Discover how to get the most out of our Loyalty Program.
Earn 1 Bean per £1 spent when you shop at selected retailers.
Upload the receipt of your in-store purchases up to 5 times a month to receive up to 100 Beans per receipt.
Whether you buy coffee, machines, accessories, or something else, you automatically earn Beans, which can be viewed in My Lavazza.
Purchase Lavazza A Modo Mio capsules or Lavazza capsules compatible with Nespresso* Original machines and enter the code you find inside the box for extra Beans.
Beans expire on the anniversary of your membership in the Loyalty Program.
After each purchase, it may take up to 14 days for your Beans to appear.
Discover the missions available to you.
Join My Lavazza Loyalty Program today to taste a world of benefits.
Take a look into our Rewards Catalogue and see how you can redeem your Beans.
Each level of My Lavazza opens up more enticing benefits and exciting rewards: exclusive offers, prize draws and special experiences.
or with a Lavazza My Way subscription
** Minimum purchase required. Limitations apply. Please see Terms and conditions for full information.
Sign up to a subscription and get the most rewarding experience:
Sign up to a subscription and get the most rewarding experience:
You can earn Beans while purchasing Lavazza products on our website or by buying Lavazza products from physical stores in the UK during the validity period. The number of Beans awarded is based on the purchase amount, calculated after deducting taxes, discounts, and any other reductions. The amount of Beans you earn will be updated in your account within 30 days.
When you buy products on our website, Beans will be automatically added to your account, and you will earn 1 Bean for each £1 spent. For example, if you spend £16.98, you will earn 16 Beans. Shipping costs are not included when calculating the Beans earned from your purchase.
You must make purchases from Waitrose, Sainsbury's, ASDA, Tesco, Morrison's, Co-op, Lakeland, Argos or Cotsco in the UK. When purchasing Lavazza products from these physical stores in the UK, you currently earn 1 Bean for every £1 spent. For example, if you spend £16.98, you will earn 16 Beans. To collect Beans, you must upload the receipt and receipt details from your store purchases. You can earn up to 100 Beans per receipt. You can upload a maximum of 5 receipts per month. The number of Beans available for each purchase or Mission are subject to change at any time. Remember, your Beans expire on each anniversary of the date you joined the Program.
Enter My Lavazza and taste a world of benefits.
Want to enjoy amazing benefits? It's as easy as sipping a coffee.
1. Take a look and accept the T&C's
2. Start earning Beans to redeem rewards, access benefits and be in with the chance to win.